Sunday, April 22, 2012

New dimesion in Relativity 2

Kids are the best teacher to learn human behavior:

This experiment can perform on 2-5 years kids who like biscuits. If you break a cookie in half, he always wants the bigger piece. Specifically giving him the smaller piece is usually met with the retort, “NO! BIG!”. Ok, so far, so unsurprising. He likes biscuits. He prefers more biscuit to less.

What is interesting is the ability to use relativity to make him choose to consume a smaller piece. Take the half of the biscuit he rejected, snap it in half again, give him the bigger of the two resulting pieces. He gets just around a quarter of the cookie, but is completely satisfied – because it’s bigger than the other piece. It’s all about getting the bigger piece, and nothing to do with absolute amount of biscuit. What a funny!!! Is it not???????????


Let us take some example to understand how this relative theory helps in marketing and business.  On Sunday you have plan for dinner in some restaurant in Ahmedabad.  It’s time to  order and menu is in your hand. Now your mind works on both sides. As gujarati mind you think of not to order costliest dishes and also want to good food so not order chipset one because it’s also question about your status. If the price in menu  varies between 100 to 500 then you choose around 300 bucks dishes. Not bad not good, right? That is how human mind think rationally. 
But next time when you visit same restaurant and price variation in menu has been changed. Old dishes has remain same price but 4-5 dishes added and price variation become 100 to 800 bucks.Now your mind again think “not good , not bad” and Now your mind again think “not good , not bad” and our spending on dishes around 500 bucks. That is how restaurant’s marketing genius force you to spend more with help of relativity decision making theory. At the end of the month restaurant found that higher price dishes were not sold in much quantity but their entries only matter to increase revenue.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

New dimesion in Relativity

Have You Ever try to know how you take decision or why do you like something and not other things . so here is to try to solve some of parameters of decision making system.
 First we try to understand the relativity.
If u are science student then defiantly now you think about the great Albert Einstein,one of my ideal person who gave the theory of relativity in early 19th century.yes,here the principle remain same but application is different,not in context of science but decision making system.To understand relativity i will give you simple example.
e.g. Last year I was appearing for management entrance CET and aiming for top 10 colleges but unfortunately I got 91%le and not got any of top 10,so I was consider myself as failure.This year I was also appeared for same exam but target change want to get in top two only.two day before result was declared hoping for 99%le and again same thing happen 96%le.again I consider myself as of my friend who got 80%le,told me,"snehal,great yar ,you rally a success in exam" why was there two different perception for same?why was I consider myself as a failure and he as success? before answer I give you definition of success.

“When you have define your challenges and response is equal to challenges that’s called success.”


Now you got it Why there is two different perception,r8? Its about Relativity.
The point is that relativity always there when we talk about perception or decision making.
Decisions are always in term of relativity, people can’t make decision in vacuum they need some base to compare parameters whether for choosing mobile, computers, cars  or right partner for life.

Hello, Testing 1
Silent for two minutes, close your eyes and think about recently you have made decisions. Does it relative or not?

Hello, Testing 2
Draw a single straight line somewhere and now decide whether it is long or short.
Confuse? I know you can’t. No matter how long line is, 5cm, 10cm, 50cm or 100cm
But you still need some other line to compare its length,right?

              "we don't have any value meter to measure ,
                        so we compare the things"

This part explain you basic of relativity.the application of relativity in decision making with help of behavioral economics will be covered in next part.
